Blockchain Development Is Changing The Future Of Social Media Marketing

Blockchain Development

The world around us is rapidly shifting towards a truly digital economy. And, Blockchain technology is a great thing nowadays gaining the attention of the maximum people around the world. In fact, it is the next big technological disruption after the Internet. Due to this fact, Blockchain development is going to have a major impact on both economic and digital spheres.

Blockchain development is already affecting many industries, and it is likely that social media networks will first feel the ramifications of the disruption of block chains. Almost all the companies(startups as well as existing) used to build their brands on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are about to realize that all that investment of time may have been in vain. As blockchain development technology changes the platforms that consumers and businesses use and how they connect, social media marketing will go through a seizure-like never before.

In this blog, we will discuss the following five major blockchain development trends that you should follow closely if you want to prepare for the future of social media marketing enabled with blockchain development.

1) More earning

The combination of social networks and cryptocurrencies enabled with blockchain development is another tempting example of the future of social platforms. When decentralized platforms become common, users of social networks will have the option of choosing the platforms on which to establish a network.

The ability to earn small amounts of cryptocurrencies for their activities will attract users to platforms where contributions to platform growth are rewarded. Think about how much time you spend currently on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook and imagine if each publication you won earned you a small amount of Bitcoin. A future of social networks enabled for encryption is really intriguing.

2) No more spams

Smart contracts and blockchain development technology will also influence the dissemination of false content. The current social media networks are flooded with everything from false news to spam bots. In the social media networks of the future, the distribution of content will be based on verified information and the propagation of traceable data. The ability to block content and its collaborators is a tempting option for brand creators.

3) No fraudulent impressions

There will be a growing interest in identities verified online. With massive bot issues on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, business owners are increasingly looking for reaching reliable platforms for their customers where they can increase their marketing ROI.

The ability to connect with consumers whose identities have been verified through blockchain development technology and smart contracts is attractive for business owners who do not want to continue marketing in the black hole of social networks and fraudulent impressions of PPC(pay per click) ads.

4) More funds

Both, the blockchain development technology and cryptocurrency collectibles are also influencing the future of social networks. There is a lot of interest in the cryptocobrable sector, and some of the first engines, such as CryptoKitties which has raised millions of dollars in investment funds.

While some may initially consider cryptocobooks as nothing more than mobile games, the truth is that some of these crypto-bank companies are planning to eventually take their games to platforms such as Android or iOS. When whole submarkets are built on top of a cryptocoiler game (virtual goods, crypto-commerce, etc.), the appeal of these innovations becomes clear.

5) Less marketing efforts/High ROI

In the same way that verified identities will influence the future of blockchain-enabled social networks, so will the verified markets of like-minded individuals and companies. Markets are already growing to meet specific needs and this will continue as blockchain development technology becomes the mainstream and business owners realize their potential.

The ability to market to a verified group of people and companies that you know are already interested in what you are selling can reduce your marketing efforts while increasing your return on investment time.


Blockchain-enabled social media marketing will have a dramatic influence on currently popular platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. A large number of social media marketers should already be exploring the blockchain landscape to become early adopters of new social networking opportunities. In fact, the sooner you understand the potential of blockchain-enabled social media marketing, the sooner you can adapt your current business strategies to accommodate this new reality.